2020-08-10 (M) InCompass

Yesterday, I proved that a pair of diodes would keep the device powered during a charging phase, but I also showed that if I just stuck the components on in a disorderly fashion, it wouldn't fit together neatly. I removed the old ones and dug out a couple more. This time, I trimmed the cathode lead short, and connected the diode close to the board and left the other wire long. I added shrink tube to one and bent it around to meet its twin, which connected to my Arduino's incoming power pin.

The battery still needs to be secured, and there is too much pressure on the long COM pin. It is easy to think of this as a unit now. It fits in the palm of my hand and operates without a USB battery pack.
miniCard working by UPS

GitHub repo for Cardinal, aka InCompass

The rest of the posts for this project have been arranged by date.
Completed projects from year 1
Completed projects from year 2
Completed projects from year 3
Completed projects from year 4
Completed projects from year 5
Completed projects from year 6
Completed projects from year 7

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