On top of the malfunctioning touch emulator, I needed to wire up the light ring. I chose individually addressable LEDs for greater flexibility because they run at 5V and one signal wire. I kept the conductors tidy and added Adafruit's Neopixel library to my code. I wrote a function to turn all the lights red, green, then blue. Even at 2%, the lights are easy to see.
I searched for a micro USB cable with data lines, a trial, because many of mine were power-only. I connected it to the auto-clicker, mapped the wires, and soldered them to the PhoneRobot. I joined the GND connections and intercepted the signal wire to control it with the Arduino. I added a 1KΩ resistor between my output and the breakout board to protect the circuitry in the touch emulator. To use the emulator, I need to run the auto clicker, the speed is irrelevant, and enable output 12 on the Arduino. All tests were successful.
The rest of the posts for this project have been arranged by date.
First time here?
Completed projects from year 1
Completed projects from year 2
Completed projects from year 3
Completed projects from year 4
Completed projects from year 5
Completed projects from year 6
Completed projects from year 7
Completed projects from year 8
Disclaimer for http://24hourengineer.blogspot.com and 24HourEngineer.com
This disclaimer must be intact and whole. This disclaimer must be included if a project is distributed.
All information on this blog, or linked by this blog, is not to be taken as advice or solicitation. Anyone attempting to replicate, in whole or in part, is responsible for the outcome and procedure. Any loss of functionality, money, property, or similar, is the responsibility of those involved in the replication.
All digital communication regarding the email address 24hourengineer@gmail.com becomes the intellectual property of Brian McEvoy. Any information contained within these messages may be distributed or retained at the discretion of Brian McEvoy. Any email sent to this address, or any email account owned by Brian McEvoy, cannot be used to claim property or assets.
Comments to the blog may be utilized or erased at the discretion of the owner. No one posting may claim property or assets based on their post.
This blog, including pictures and text, is copyright to Brian McEvoy.
I searched for a micro USB cable with data lines, a trial, because many of mine were power-only. I connected it to the auto-clicker, mapped the wires, and soldered them to the PhoneRobot. I joined the GND connections and intercepted the signal wire to control it with the Arduino. I added a 1KΩ resistor between my output and the breakout board to protect the circuitry in the touch emulator. To use the emulator, I need to run the auto clicker, the speed is irrelevant, and enable output 12 on the Arduino. All tests were successful.
The rest of the posts for this project have been arranged by date.
First time here?
Completed projects from year 1
Completed projects from year 2
Completed projects from year 3
Completed projects from year 4
Completed projects from year 5
Completed projects from year 6
Completed projects from year 7
Completed projects from year 8
Disclaimer for http://24hourengineer.blogspot.com and 24HourEngineer.com
This disclaimer must be intact and whole. This disclaimer must be included if a project is distributed.
All information on this blog, or linked by this blog, is not to be taken as advice or solicitation. Anyone attempting to replicate, in whole or in part, is responsible for the outcome and procedure. Any loss of functionality, money, property, or similar, is the responsibility of those involved in the replication.
All digital communication regarding the email address 24hourengineer@gmail.com becomes the intellectual property of Brian McEvoy. Any information contained within these messages may be distributed or retained at the discretion of Brian McEvoy. Any email sent to this address, or any email account owned by Brian McEvoy, cannot be used to claim property or assets.
Comments to the blog may be utilized or erased at the discretion of the owner. No one posting may claim property or assets based on their post.
This blog, including pictures and text, is copyright to Brian McEvoy.
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