
2023-03-30 (Th) GrinderCompass First build

2023-03-29 (W) GrinderCompass First revision

2023-03-28 (Tu) GrinderCompass First sketch

2023-03-27 (M) EWC_Box COMPLETE

2023-03-26 (Su) EWC_Box

2023-03-25 (Sa) EWC_Box Melody in mode6()

2023-03-24 (F) Weekly Summary

2023-03-23 (Th) EWC_Box Pecussion in mode6()

2023-03-22 (W) EWC_Box mode5() with "Live" velocity control

2023-03-21 (Tu) EWC_Box First fixes to five()

2023-03-20 (M) EWC_Box mode5() melody and percussion

2023-03-19 (Su) EWC_Box Remote PRandomization

2023-03-18 (Sa) EWC_Box Drum sampler mode4()

2023-03-17 (F) Weekly Summary

2023-03-16 (Th) EWC_Box Shuffling eight cards

2023-03-15 (W) EWC_Box Playing notes manually

2023-03-14 (Tu) EWC_Box mode2() editing

2023-03-13 (M) EWC_Box Instrument tracking

2023-03-12 (Su) EWC_Box Internal connections

2023-03-11 (Sa) EWC_Box Percussion visuals

2023-03-10 (F) Weekly Summary